Ice Cream Boulders
***The Ice Cream Boulders: One of the most sandbagged places I've climbed, but the granite is
good, the area is compact, and the approach is minimal, and while you wont be doing much number
chasing the problems are fun.
Slab Boulder
1. V3R!** Not the best landing, but not
the worst either. It does seem like it
would be easy to roll an ankle though.
A compression problem with a scary
2. V2* From some decent crimps work
out left to a sharp crimp then left again
to the rail.
2a. V2** Same start, but from the
sharp crimp make a big move out right
to a good sidepull.
3. V2** A micro pinch for the left hand
then the holds get better as you co.
4. V1R* Head up the sidepull features.
5. VB* Slab
6. V0** Around the corner from #1 on
the right side of the tree is a face/slab
with some fun moves.
Main Boulder
1. V3? Looks cool, I have no idea how hard it is, but is high enough that given the sandbagged nature of the rest of the area, I'm gonna want more pads
and spotter before I try it.
2. V0+? (that's what the old guide says, and granted I'm not very good a cracks, but I think it's more like a V6.) SDS and head up the offwidth crack.
3. V5** Jump start and mantle without using the offwidth crack.
3a. V3**Jump start and traverse left to the crack.
4. V3***A technical slopey mantle
5. V3** SDS underneath and head left up the crack and jam and layback your way up.
6. V2? Butts Up Sure doen't feel like a two. Nearly the same start as #5, but work out right along a crack then out.
7. V1* A short mantle move
8. V? A strong mantle
9. VB** Another mantle
10. V? Offwidth crack
11. V? Traverse the diagonal crack
Ice Cream #3 About 100' North of the Main Boulder.
1. V1? Another absurd V1, Start on low crimpy rails to an arete and slopey undercling.